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  • Ardglass GAC Coaching

    Thu 15 Jun 2023

    We are very thankful to Paul O’Shea from Ardglass GAC who has been delivering weekly coaching sessions to the children over the last number of weeks.


    The children have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the sessions and activities and there has been a noted development in their skills over the duration of the sessions.


    Thank you Paul from all in St Mary’s!

  • ⛪️ Primary 7 Leavers Mass ⛪️

    Thu 15 Jun 2023

    Today our Primary 7 pupils celebrated their final school service with our whole school community at their Leavers Mass.


    The children were fantastic throughout and this was reflected in their readings, responses, song and their participation in the service.


    They said a special thank you to everyone who had supported them in their faith development during their time in St Mary's, including their families, teachers, classroom assistants, Father McCloskey and all the Catechists.


    We are extremely grateful to have such an amazing set of children in St Mary’s Dunsford and they truly were a credit to their families at the service today.


    Thank you to all the school community that attended the Primary 7 Leavers’ Mass and to our wonderful school choir who added greatly to the service.

  • Come Follow Me 🙏

    Tue 13 Jun 2023

    It was lovely to have Father McCloskey in school today to deliver the last ‘Come, Follow Me’ session of the year to our Primary 4 & Primary 5 children.  


    The ‘Come, Follow Me’ programme has been delivered by Father McCloskey and the catechists within our parish to the children of St Mary’s for over 8 years now and it plays such a fundamental role in their faith development.


    We are very thankful to both Father McCloksey and the team of Catechists for all their hard work and support in delivering this programme to the children.

  • ♻️ Eco-Schools Green Flag Award 🌎

    Mon 12 Jun 2023

    Our whole school community was extremely proud to today receive the renewal of our Eco Schools Green Flag Award for another two years.


    Eco-Schools is a global programme engaging millions of children across 67 countries. It aims to empower children to drive change and improve their environmental awareness. The Green Flag Award is an internationally recognised symbol awarded to schools who can show that they are working hard to improve how ‘Green’ their organisation is and for excellence in environmental action and learning.


    St Mary’s Eco-Council have worked tirelessly this year to earn another Green Flag status with assessors visiting St Mary’s to witness first hand the work that has been undertaken by our whole community.


    Well done to all the Eco-councillors, the staff and parents who supported the work. A special thank-you to Miss O’Neill our Eco-Schools Coordinator, Mrs C Mullan, Mrs S McMullan, Mrs McLaughlin and Mrs Wills for their leadership on the programme.  


    At a special awards ceremony held yesterday in the St Patrick’s Centre in Downpatrick, Mrs Howland, Iona, Anne and Sian our Eco-Councillors from Primary 6 & Primary 7 were delighted to receive our new Green Flag and associated plaques.

  • ⭐️Stars of the Week⭐️

    Fri 09 Jun 2023

    Congratulations to our ‘Stars of the Week’.  


    Well done everyone! ⭐️👏🏻

  • Primary 7 Leavers Hoodies

    Fri 09 Jun 2023

    Our Primary 7 children were extremely excited today when Friends of St Mary's PTA presented them with their Leavers Hoodies. 


    Our PTA kindly organised the fabulous Leavers hoodies this year for all the boys and girls and generously covered the cost of the hoodies. This was a lovely gesture to mark the time the children have spent here in St Mary's.


    The P7s are delighted they will have the opportunity to wear these each day instead of their usual school uniform and I get the impression that the hoodies are not coming off any time soon! 

  • ⚽️ Down Ladies GAA ⚽️

    Thu 08 Jun 2023

    We had two very special visitors in school today as Erin Sands and Bebhionn Rogan, members of the successful Down Ladies Gaelic team who recently won the Ulster Junior Championship by defeating Fermanagh in the final brought the Ulster Trophy into St Mary’s.


    The children wore the red and back of Down for the occasion and greeted the girls with loud cheers and plenty of questions about the Final and the girl’s great success!


    It was wonderful to have both girls in school today, and it was especially pleasing to see the great success of one of our own past pupils in Erin.


    The Down Ladies Team have recently been fundraising for the breast cancer charity ‘Pretty ‘n’ Pink’ and we were delighted to present a cheque for £100 to Erin and Bebhionn to support this fantastic charity.  


    Many thaks to Paul O'Shea from Ardglass GAC for organising the visit today. 

  • EA Transition Workshop

    Tue 06 Jun 2023

    In Term 3 in Primary 7 a lot of Transition based activities are undertaken as we aim to prepare the children as they begin their preparations to transfer to post-primary school.


    Together with our friends from the Lecale Cluster of Schools we organised a Reach Transition workshop delivered by the Education Authority.


    The workshop aimed to provide the children with the tools they will need to embrace the changes and challenges that await them in the next move in their school journey and proved to be an invaluable learning experience.
