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Rights Respecting School Page

Welcome to our Rights Respecting Schools' Page

The purpose of our School Council is to raise awareness of the rights of the child. This is an essential component of our school's improvement plan. It puts the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) as one of the main cores of our school's planning, practice, policies and ethos.

The ABCDE of  United Nations Convention of the Rights of a Child

UNIVERSAL  - Rights are for ALL  children

INHERENT –  Rights are there from BIRTH for all children

INALIENABLE –  Rights CANNOT be taken or given away

UNCONDITIONAL- Rights are for all children and DO not have to be earned

INDIVISIBLE –  All rights are EQUALLY  important - NO right is more important than another

All children, everywhere have all the rights.
All adults have a duty to look after all children

The ABCDE's of our Rights

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Our Student Council tell us all about the ABCDE's of our Rights.

Outright Day

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Student Council introduce our Outright Day.

We did it!

We have achieved the Rights respecting Schools Silver Award!

Now we are going for Gold!

The World's Largest Lesson takes place from 23rd September 2019.


Click on the link below to learn about the Global Goals and the World's Largest Lesson.










Look below to see what we had been up to last year!








Silver Award Assessment Date has been confirmed!


14th June 2019.

Let's show that we can be the best that we can be!

Calling all parents. 

Dunsford Soccer Aid.

Friday 14th June 2019.


Have Fun!

Look out for Soccer Aid Day on 14th June.


Have you any ideas for activities?

It's coming!

Silver Award Assessment.


Rights Respecting School assessor will be impressed by all your hard work!

OutRight Day


We celebrated OutRight Day (World Children's Day) with our Annual Outrageous Hair Day.

 Thank you to all the children and their parents for their great efforts.

We were learning all about the rights of refugee children.

